In Trotter, et al. v. American Modern Select Insurance Company, the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Oklahoma recently denied an insurer’s motion for summary judgment on bad faith claims, detailing what is and isn’t reasonable conduct in… Continue Reading →
In Central Mutual Ins. Co. v. Kicklighter, et al., the Court of Appeals of Georgia reversed the trial court’s order denying the insurer’s motion to set aside a default judgment. The default judgment had been obtained ex parte and then… Continue Reading →
In Metropolitan Property and Casualty Insurance Company v. Hedlund, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California found, after a one-day bench trial, that an insurer failed to properly discharge its duties of good faith and fair dealing… Continue Reading →
In Paslay v. State Farm General Ins. Co., the California Court of Appeal found triable issues of material fact regarding breach of the insurance contract, due to the insurer’s failure to pay all elements of the insured’s claim for residence… Continue Reading →
In Bamford, Inc. v. Regent Ins. Co., the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals held the insurer acted in bad faith in its handling of the settlement negotiations and trial of one of its insureds. The underlying plaintiff was injured… Continue Reading →
Republished from Tressler’s The Property Line blog. In bad faith lawsuits, policyholders often seek discovery of other claims involving allegations of bad faith. Such discovery is not relevant and should be uniformly denied. The mere fact that some other claim… Continue Reading →
Tressler LLP is pleased to announce the launch of the firm’s latest blog, Bad Faith Bulletin. To keep up with the changing digital landscape, Bad Faith Bulletin will replace the firm’s traditional e-newsletter titled Extra! Extra! Extracontractual Liability and Claims… Continue Reading →
Fridman v. Safeco Ins. Co. of Illinois, 2016 WL 743258 (Fla. 2016) arose out of an insured’s demand for the $50,000 uninsured/underinsured motorist (UM/UIM) limit on his auto policy. The insured filed a Civil Remedy Notice pursuant to Florida’s bad… Continue Reading →
In Hammond v. U.S. Liability Ins. Co., 2016 WL 929288 (3rd Cir. 2016), the insured sought coverage under a Businessowners and Technology Professional Liability policy after he was sued by a technology information company. The technology company asserted ownership rights… Continue Reading →
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