In a recent per curiam decision, the Texas Supreme Court reversed a court of appeals decision holding that an insured’s claims under the Texas Prompt Payment of Claims Act (“TPPCA”) and for statutory and common law bad faith were barred… Continue Reading →
Reginald Cloyd III is an associate in the Commercial Litigation and Business Disputes Practice Group. Reggie has a broad range of experience representing individual and corporate clients in complex litigation matters, insurance coverage, local government and homeowner association matters. He… Continue Reading →
The Lima Delta Company v. Global Aerospace, Superior Court of the State of Delaware Case No. 16C-11 -21WCC CCLD, arose out of a claim after insured aircraft crashed off the end of the runway in Democratic Republic of Congo (“DRC”)… Continue Reading →
The United States District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania recently denied an insurer’s motion to sever and stay plaintiff’s bad faith claim from its breach of contract claim, finding that the convenience of the parties and judicial economy… Continue Reading →
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court published perhaps its most anticipated insurance case of the year: Rancosky v. Washington National Ins. Co., 2017 WL 4296351 (Sep. 28. 2017). In Rancosky, the court held that in order to prevail on a claim for… Continue Reading →
In Richard Igartua v. Mid-Century Insurance Co., No. 2:216-cv-00849-JAD-CWH (D. Nev. June 28, 2017), the District Court granted summary judgment to an insurer as to claims of bad faith, unfair claims practices and breach of contract, while methodically presenting a… Continue Reading →
In Manu v. GEICO Casualty Company, No. 160852, 2017 WL 1511791 (Va. Apr. 27, 2017), the Supreme Court of Virginia provided guidance on the scope of an uninsured motorist (UM) carrier’s bad faith exposure. The plaintiff sustained more than $33,000… Continue Reading →
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed a lower federal court’s finding that a business and management insurance policy’s prior knowledge and prior litigation exclusions bar coverage for an underlying lawsuit in Douglas Woo, et al. v. Scottsdale In. Co.,… Continue Reading →
Washington’s Insurance Fair Conduct Act (IFCA) allows insureds to sue their insurers for an unreasonable denial of coverage or benefits, and recover triple damages if the insurer acts unreasonably or violates certain regulations. On February 2, 2017, the Washington Supreme… Continue Reading →
In Joseph Shaheen v. Progressive Casualty Ins. Co., the 6th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals determined that the insurer’s conduct did not satisfy the threshold standard for bad faith claims under Kentucky law. In 2005, the insured, while intoxicated, struck… Continue Reading →
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